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discussion thread中文

用"discussion thread"造句"discussion thread" in a sentence"discussion thread"怎麼讀


  • 討論引線


  • Discussion threads for individual stocks , ipos , the markets , and general investment topics
  • A discussion thread has already kicked off in the community forum where people are sharing their thoughts on this development
  • Rational requisitepro automatically tracks the discussion thread so any authorized team member can easily see the comment and subsequent replies
    Rational requisitepro自動追蹤討論進程,因此任何有授權的團隊成員都可以很容易的看到注釋以及后續的回復。
  • These answers , however , tend to be scattered around the forums , and even when they are found , they are mixed in with discussion threads so that distilling the legitimate information is often difficult
  • John cowan , one of the most erudite scholars in the xml space , recently weighed in on a discussion thread regarding the opendocument file format formerly known as the openoffice xml format , which i ve covered previously in this column see
    John cowan是xml領域最博學的專家之一,最近參與了關于opendocument文件格式(以前稱為openoffice xml格式)的討論論壇,本專欄以前的文章中曾經介紹過這種文件格式(請參閱
用"discussion thread"造句  
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